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Washington Lily, Shasta Lily
Lilium washingtonianum-click on image for detail view
Family: Liliaceae
Private Collection
~ 5 by 7 inches or invitation sized, on watercolor paper with a deckled edge
Washington Lily or Shasta Lily (Lilium washingtonianum)
Liliaceae ~ Lily Family
This west coast native has some of the largest flowers of all our native lilies; it is really quite spectacular. Two subspecies are recognized: subsp. washingtonianum and subsp. purpurascens, which as you might guess, has purple tinges in the flowers with aging. The species occurs in the Cascades, Sierra Nevada, and Klamath/Siskiyou ranges. Native lilies should never be collected from the wild; in fact many bulb plants are now rare, threatened, or endangered due to over zealous horticulturalists. Fortunately for the gardener who loves native lilies, most are in cultivation and available for purchase. |