Quality Botanical Art & Affordable Prices

Vorobik Botanical Art

P.O. Box 866, Lopez Island, WA 98261. 510-520-2423. vorobik@gmail.com

All images on this site copyright Linda Ann Vorobik unless otherwise stated; Use granted only with written permission.




detail of Calorchortus leichtlinii

click on image for whole view

Sierra Mariposa Lily, Detail View

Sierra Mariposa Lily, Calochortus leichtlinii-click on image for whole view

Family: Liliaceae


Prints--Offset, Edition 1000, 12 by 16 inches

Cards--5 by 7 inches, on watercolor paper with a deckled edge


Sierra Mariposa Lily (Calochortus leichtlinii)

Liliaceae ~ Lily Family

Found in open gravelly places in the mountains from the high Sierra Nevada to the Modoc Plateau in California, and east to Nevada. This species, with flowers to two inches in diameter, is always a delight to see, but should never be picked, as the plants are usually uncommon. The genus Calochortus is known for the spectacular colors of the showy petals, yielding the common name which likens the flowers to a butterfly (Spanish: mariposa). Another common name for Calochortus is "butterfly tulip." Numerous species of Calochortus are in cultivation, and come in a great variety of colors and forms, including species called "globe lilies," which are named for their hanging spherical flowers.