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Shooting Star Flowers
pulchellum-click on image for detail
Edition 200, 9 by 12 inches
by 7 inches, on watercolor paper with a deckled edge
Shooting Star Flowers (Dodecatheon pulchellum)
Primulaceae Family
This species occurs in wet meadows of the coastal
Pacific Northwest and wet basins or seep areas of the Great
Basin. Like other shooting stars, the petals reflex back on
the nodding flower stalks (pedicels) with the stamens projecting
like narrow black beaks. As the fruits develop, the pedicels
straighten out, presenting the capsules towards the sky. This
perennial may be in cultivation, but D. hendersonii,
a native from foothill locations from southern Oregon south
along the western slopes of Sierra Nevada and in the coast ranges,
definitely is. Henderson's shooting star has similar flowers
and very attractive roundish leaf blades. Other species of shooting
stars (D. redolens, D. jeffreyi, D. alpinum, D. subalpinum, etc.) are common at higher elevations,
and are always a treat to see. Although the flowers are small
(often less than one inch), they have distinctive and beautiful
colorful markings at the base of the petals near where the stamens
protrude. |