Quality Botanical Art & Affordable Prices

Vorobik Botanical Art

P.O. Box 866, Lopez Island, WA 98261. 510-520-2423. vorobik@gmail.com

All images on this site copyright Linda Ann Vorobik unless otherwise stated; Use granted only with written permission.



Painting Orchids on the Big Island of Hawaii: October 20-26, 2013.

Deadline for Application: deadline for October 2013 Workshop is 15 August, 2013. Contact Linda at vorobik@gmail.com ASAP, as registration is limited to 8 participants, and sign up is first come, first serve.

Location: The workshop is located at a vacation home in a quiet neighborhood, within a five minute walk from Kealakekua Bay, a marine wildlife sanctuary with magnificent coral, dolphins to swim with, and incredible reef fish.

Images of lodging.

Scroll down to see images from the workshop:

Search on Google Earth for "Kealakekua Bay", then zoom in to see this image and look around the neighborhood:

The home where we stay:

The view from the road to the beach:

Return to Hawaii Painting Orchid Page

Click here for venues where Vorobik Workshops have been held and here for descriptions of Vorobik Workshops.

Write to Linda at vorobik@gmail.com if you would like to be on her email mailing list,

or if you would like to schedule a show or workshop in your area. Thank you!.

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